Less than perfect feedback from staff on a staff survey often has a paralysing effect. How to respond and what to do are often unanswered or unanswered effectively by organisations. Staff see little change as a result of their feedback and a cone of silence can develop around the reasons for negative feedback. This can lead to staff becoming increasingly disengaged and worsening results in subsequent staff surveys.
We have worked effectively with a range of organisations to assist them to respond to less than optimal staff feedback both promptly and effectively and in turn enjoy all the benefits of a more engaged and productive workforce – well before subsequent staff surveys.
Including Reviews and Workforce Planning utilising action-learning techniques to achieve optimally effective outcomes.
Including one-off Workshops and Seminars on contemporary and topical issues.
Including increasing the effectiveness of leadership teams and enhancing their development.
Including grievance avoidance and resolution, avoidance of bullying, discrimination and harassment, diversity management and building functional and productive teams.
Including collaborative development of action plans to address issues identified in the results of staff surveys.
Including analysis, development and provision of advice in relation to the whole range of people management and HR policies.