Expertise Area:

Policy and Policy Frameworks

Good, practical, workable people management policies mean productive and effective businesses.  Indecipherable or unworkable policies are all too common.  Poor policy often results from fuzzy thinking time-strapped staff charged with their production.

Our group has extensive experience in policy development and we know the difference between good and bad policy.  We can help analyse and review policy framework, simplify your existing policies and/or develop contemporary effective people management policies. 

Other areas of expertise include:

Organisational Effectiveness

Including Reviews and Workforce Planning utilising action-learning techniques to achieve optimally effective outcomes.

Leadership & Management Development

Including one-off Workshops and Seminars on contemporary and topical issues.

Leadership Team Effectiveness

Including increasing the effectiveness of leadership teams and enhancing their development.

Creating Productive and Fair Workplaces

Including grievance avoidance and resolution, avoidance of bullying, discrimination and harassment, diversity management and building functional and productive teams.

Effective Responses to Staff Survey Results

Including collaborative development of action plans to address issues identified in the results of staff surveys.

Policy and Policy Frameworks

Including analysis, development and provision of advice in relation to the whole range of people management and HR policies.